
Date and History

Thursday, October 26

Common Ports

The following is a list of common ports. During a network security audit, port scans will be perfeormed to determine what network services are available. These services can be on different Operating systems.

20 FTP data (File Transfer Protocol)
21 FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
22 SSH (Secure Shell)
23 Telnet
25 SMTP (Send Mail Transfer Protocol)
43 whois
53 DNS (Domain Name Service)
68 DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol)
79 Finger
80 HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
110 POP3 (Post Office Protocol, version 3)
115 SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol)
119 NNTP (Network New Transfer Protocol)
123 NTP (Network Time Protocol)
137 NetBIOS-ns
138 NetBIOS-dgm
139 NetBIOS
143 IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
161 SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
194 IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
220 IMAP3 (Internet Message Access Protocol 3)
389 LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
443 SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
445 SMB (NetBIOS over TCP)
666 Doom
993 SIMAP (Secure Internet Message Access Protocol)
995 SPOP (Secure Post Office Protocol)

Ports between 1024 and 29151 are known as the Registered Ports. Basically, programs are supposed to register their use of these ports and thereby try to be careful and avoid stomping on each other. Here are some common ports and their programs.

1243 SubSeven (Trojan - security risk!)
1352 Lotus Notes
1433 Microsoft SQL Server
1494 Citrix ICA Protocol
1521 Oracle SQL
1604 Citrix ICA / Microsoft Terminal Server
2049 NFS (Network File System)
3306 mySQL
4000 ICQ
5010 Yahoo! Messenger
5190 AOL Instant Messenger
5632 PCAnywhere
5800 VNC
5900 VNC
6000 X Windowing System
6699 Napster
6776 SubSeven (Trojan - security risk!)
7070 RealServer / QuickTime
7778 Unreal
8080 HTTP
26000 Quake
27010 Half-Life
27960 Quake III
31337 BackOrifice (Trojan - security risk!)

Wednesday, October 25

Places where Trojans and Viruses Hide themselevs

1. START-UP FOLDER. Windows opens every item in the Start Menu's Start Up folder. This folder is prominent in the Programs folder of the Start Menu.

Notice that I did not say that Windows "runs" every program that is represented in the Start Up folder. I said it "opens every item." There's an important difference.

Programs represented in the Start Up folder will run, of course. But you can have shortcuts in the Start Up folder that represent documents, not programs.

For example, if you put a Microsoft Word document in the Start Up folder, Word will run and automatically open that document at bootup; if you put a WAV file there, your audio software will play the music at bootup, and if you put a Web-page Favourites there, Internet Explorer (or your own choice of a browser) will run and open that Web page for you when the computer starts up. (The examples cited here could just as easily be shortcuts to a WAV file or a Word document, and so on.)

2. REGISTRY. Windows executes all instructions in the "Run" section of the Windows Registry. Items in the "Run" section (and in other parts of the Registry listed below) can be programs or files that programs open (documents), as explained in No. 1 above.

3. REGISTRY. Windows executes all instructions in the "RunServices" section of the Registry.

4. REGISTRY. Windows executes all instructions in the "RunOnce" part of the Registry.

5. REGISTRY. Windows executes instructions in the "RunServicesOnce" section of the Registry. (Windows uses the two "RunOnce" sections to run programs a single time only, usually on the next bootup after a program installation.)

7. REGISTRY. Windows executes instructions in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open\command "%1" %* section of the Registry. Any command imbedded here will open when any exe file is executed.

Other possibles:

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open\command] ="\"%1\" %*"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\comfile\shell\open\command] ="\"%1\" %*"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\batfile\shell\open\command] ="\"%1\" %*"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\htafile\Shell\Open\Command] ="\"%1\" %*"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\piffile\shell\open\command] ="\"%1\" %*"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command] ="\"%1\"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command] ="\"%1\"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command] ="\"%1\"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CLASSES\htafile\Shell\Open\Command] ="\"%1\"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command] ="\"%1\"

If keys don't have the "\"%1\" %*" value as shown, and are changed to something like "\"somefilename.exe %1\" %*" than they are automatically invoking the specified file.

8. BATCH FILE. Windows executes all instructions in the Winstart batch file, located in the Windows folder. (This file is unknown to nearly all Windows users and most Windows experts, and might not exist on your system. You can easily create it, however. Note that some versions of Windows call the Windows folder the "WinNT" folder.) The full filename is WINSTART.BAT.

9. INITIALIZATION FILE. Windows executes instructions in the "RUN=" line in the WIN.INI file, located in the Windows (or WinNT) folder.

10. INITIALIZATION FILE. Windows executes instructions in the "LOAD=" line in the WIN.INI file, located in the Windows (or WinNT) folder.

It also runs things in shell= in System.ini or c:\windows\system.ini:

shell=explorer.exe C:\windows\filename

The file name following explorer.exe will start whenever Windows starts.

As with Win.ini, file names might be preceeded by considerable space on such a line, to reduce the chance that they will be seen. Normally, the full path of the file will be included in this entry. If not, check the \Windows directory

11. RELAUNCHING. Windows reruns programs that were running when Windows shut down. Windows cannot do this with most non-Microsoft programs, but it will do it easily with Internet Explorer and with Windows Explorer, the file-and-folder manager built into Windows. If you have Internet Explorer open when you shut Windows down, Windows will reopen IE with the same page open when you boot up again. (If this does not happen on your Windows PC, someone has turned that feature off. Use Tweak UI, the free Microsoft Windows user interface manager, to reactivate "Remember Explorer settings," or whatever it is called in your version of Windows.)

12. TASK SCHEDULER. Windows executes autorun instructions in the Windows Task Scheduler (or any other scheduler that supplements or replaces the Task Scheduler). The Task Scheduler is an official part of all Windows versions except the first version of Windows 95, but is included in Windows 95 if the Microsoft Plus Pack was installed.

13. SECONDARY INSTRUCTIONS. Programs that Windows launches at startup are free to launch separate programs on their own. Technically, these are not programs that Windows launches, but they are often indistinguishable from ordinary auto-running programs if they are launched right after their "parent" programs run.



Windows loads explorer.exe (typically located in the Windows directory)during the boot process. However, if c:\explorer.exe exists, it will be executed instead of the Windows explorer.exe. If c:\explorer.exe is corrupt, the user will effectively be locked out of their system after they reboot.

If c:\explorer.exe is a trojan, it will be executed. Unlike all other autostart methods, there is no need for any file or registry changes - the file just simply has to be named c:\explorer.exe


Additional autostart methods. The first two are used by Trojan SubSeven 2.2.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\explorer\Usershell folders

Icq Inet

This key specifies that all applications will be executed if ICQNET Detects an Internet Connection.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CLASSES\ShellScrap] ="Scrap object"
This key changes your file's specified extension.

Tuesday, October 24


YouTube is the most popular site to visit for viewing online videos, sharing your favourite videos with people and commenting on videos you like. Recently YouTube was acquired by Google for a few billion dollars. Here is a collection of several YouTube third party tools which enhance your YouTube experience.

Download and Save YouTube Videos :

  • Video Downloader - a firefox extension that allows you to download videos to your computer from YouTube and most video sites.
  • YouTubeX - allows you to save and download YouTube videos easily using only your IE or firefox browser.
  • TubeSock - grabs YouTube videos from the web and copies them to your video iPod, Mac, or PlayStation Portable.
  • VideoDL - is a quick AJAX application that allows you to download online video into your computer. It supports top 3 video sites - YouTube, Google Video, and Break.com.
  • Download YouTube via bookmarklets - A collection of Greasemonkey scripts and bookmarklets to do the job.
  • Youtube-dl - is a small command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com. It requires the Python interpreter, version 2.4 or later.
  • KeepVid - Download videos direct from most video sites like YouTube.
  • YouTube Downloader - enter url and download YouTube videos.
  • Youtube Downloader - freeware tool to download and save movies from Youtube.
  • Youtube Grabber - is a free tool that downloads FLV files from youtube.
  • GooTube FLV Retriever - enter the video page URL, download the youtube video.
  • Capture Youtube and Google videos - save them as AVI files encoded in the MPEG4 format, using only one command.
  • http://www.saveyoutube.com

YouTube third party tools :

  • YouTube Userscripts - a collection of scripts to perform several tasks with YouTube.
  • Youtube Video Slideshow - insert a username or a video tag below and it starts a slideshow.
  • fTube - a YouTube player that downloads the list of 25 most recent videos featured on the YouTube front page. The user can select a video from the list and hit the play button to play it in-Flash.
  • TubeCH - YouTube flash player.
  • iTube - grab Youtube videos, then convert and import them into iTunes. Requires .Net framework and works exclusively on Windows.
  • PodTube - a Mac OS X program, downloads, encodes, and adds YouTube videos to your iTunes library but requires Safari to fetch the videos.
  • TvTube - For Mac users. Allows you to browse YouTube, Google Video and Yahoo Videos, for movie clips that people upload, choose your favorite clips and add them to your shared library.
  • YouTube API - XML Feed Ripper - PHP script that taps into the YouTube API to deliver videos by tag, by username or what’s a current favorite.
  • YouTube Widget - brings all of YouTubes videos to your Mac Dashboard.
  • Search The Tube - A quick way to find videos for your website, blog or profile.

Top / Best YouTube Videos :

  • PureVideo - collects top 10 videos from around the web
  • The World Internet TV charts - tracks the most popular video clips from four leading Internet TV sites.
  • Top YouTube Videos - a daily updated selection of the most popular videos from YouTube.
  • Vidspedia - is a collection of the best Google and YouTube videos, submitted and rated by users.
  • Youtube top-rated - a coverpop with the 1,001 top rated videos from YouTube updated every week.
  • Best of YouTube - a blog selecting the best Youtube videos.

Google Purchases YouTube for $1.65B :

Google announced today that it would acquire YouTube for $1.65 billion in stock compensation. YouTube will continue to operate independently. Google Video will continue to operate separately.

The acquisition combines the largest and fastest-growing video-sharing community online with the largest search engine. YouTube, which was founded in December 2005, serves over 100 million videos per day via its progressive downloading technology. The site has captured 47.07 percent of the online video market, compared to Google's 11.09 percent. Google, meanwhile, holds about 50 percent of search market share, outstripping its closest rival, Yahoo, by about 25 percent.

The acquisition of YouTube gives Google a greater ability to capture more of the online video and social networking advertising market. Buying YouTube may also give Google a competitive edge against News Corp., which owns social networking site MySpace. MySpace currently owns about 20 percent of the video-sharing market, according to Hitwise.

According to Google executives and YouTube's co-founders, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, the two companies will work together to improve video search and advertising. The specific plans were vague, although there was repeated mention of new systems for audio fingerprinting and metadata search technology, and opportunities to tie videos into search results.

"It's difficult to say what we're going to be tackling first," said Chen.

"The thing that tipped us over was the vision," said Google CEO Eric Schmidt. "[YouTube founders] Chad and Steve remind me very much of Larry and Sergey when I first came to Google, and I say that in a fond way."

Schmidt and Google co-founder Sergey Brin said that beyond culture, Google was enticed by the "20-30 different ways" that Google and YouTube could work together.

"We spend a lot of time working on our two core areas of search and advertising," said Brin. "And when you think about search, when you want an explanation about something, what better way than to actually see it in video?"

When asked why they felt it was necessary to buy YouTube, given that Google has its own video product and video advertising outlets, Schmidt said that YouTube was the "clear winner on the social networking side of video."

Schmidt also said that Google Video would continue to operate normally. "Google Video isn't going away right away or ever, I hope that's clear," said Schmidt.

The two parties brushed off concerns over copyright issues, saying both companies worked with the safe harbor provisions of the DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act) and were responsive to content owners' concerns.

YouTube will continue to maintain its own brand identity and offices in San Bruno, Calif.

The number of Google shares to be issued in the transaction will be determined based on the 30-day average closing price two trading days prior to the completion of the acquisition. Both companies have approved the transaction, which is subject to customary closing conditions and is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2006.

The all-stock deal was completed as such so that the acquisition would be tax-free for the YouTube shareholders, according to Google Vice President and Counsel David Drummond.

How would future gyms work/look like ? - An Idea

This is an interesting idea I found on net.

The difference here is that the machines would all be linked to a large central generator, so if you are really working out you will be generating much more energy than is needed to power the machine display.

The swipe cards would monitor how much time you spent on each machine then - depending on the efficiency of the machine - calculate whether you were a net user or contributor of energy to the building. At the end of the year, people get a rebate on their membership depending on how much energy their use of the treadmills and cardio machines has generated for the gym.

Monday, October 23

Search Engine


The very first tool used for searching on the Internet was Archie developed in 1990 by
Alan Emtage. The first Web search engine was Wandex developed by Mathew Gray in 1993.
Another very early search engine,
Aliweb, also appeared in 1993.The first "full text" crawler-based search engine was WebCrawler, which came out in 1994.-Lycos was also developed in 1994.AltaVista came in 1995 and year 1996 is the born year of Inktomi. ( Two very famous search engines ).Google commercially came in year 1998.


-A searchable database of internet files collected by a computer program called “Spider”.-Or a program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of documents in the form of indexed web-page.

Types of Search Engines:

1.1. Individual Search Engines : Uses a spider to collect its own searchable index.
Example: Google

2. Meta Search Engines : Searches multiple individual engines simultaneously. It
does not have its own index database.

Classification based on indexing Technique:

1. Spiders or Crawlers based : Send crawlers out into cyberspace. It visit a web-
site and follow links on it.

2. Human Powered Search Engines or Directories : Rely on human review and
submission about a webpage. Example: Yahoo!

3. Hybrid Search Engines: Employ both. Example: MSN

Working of Search Engine:

Operates in following order :-

1. Web Crawling : Send out automated programs (
robots or scooters or spiders). spiders fetch
web pages from cyberspace and feed to search engine. large search engines like “
sends many parallel spiders.Then indexing is done.After crawling a page, its contents are
stored into a giant database in an indexed format.This content can be: text of web page and
its MetaTags (links,title and description). (Index: Database containing a copy of each

2. Searching ( or Query Processing): Based on user queries.The engine examine its index to find
out documents that match the best.

3. Page Ranking: Different search engines uses their propriety algorithm. Calculates the most
relevant result for user query and displayed in order of relevance.

What is a Page Rank?

-Page Rank is a “vote” by all other pages on the web.-A link to a page count as a vote of support.-Google uses program known as “PigeonRank” for its Page Ranking.


Google began as a research project in Jan 1996 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
Originally nick-named “BackRub”, because system checked back-links to estimate a site’s importance.Indexing is performed by a program called Googlebot.Source for names of spiders for different search engine is – HTTP_USER_AGENT.Some terms of Google:-
- robots.txt:
- it is a standard document to stop Googlebot from downloading specified
information from your server.

You are Here

The air is filled with your presence
This breeze touches as if its your embrace
There are soft songs being played in my heart's space
In These flowers I see your Smiling Face

I Cant Belive YOU ARE HERE !! IT'S YOU !!

The Birds are singing to welcome you
The trees are trying to tell you
How long i've been waiting for you

With Tearful eyes I fear to show
How I Truly love you so

With Baited breath I hold your hand
Still wondering if i'm not in dreamland
With your soft whisperin hearty Hi and
The way you smilingly stand

I Do Believe It's True !! YOU ARE HERE !! IT'S YOU !!


When I was whispering with my soul,
When my soul was whispering with my heart,
When my heart was whispering with my thoughts,
When my thoughts was whispering with my brain,
When my brain was whispering with my eyes.

You must be curious what I was whispering,
You should be curious what I was whispering.

When my eyes were whispering with your eyes,
When your eyes were whispering with your brain,
When your brain was whispering with my thoughts,
When your thoughts was whispering with your heart,
When your heart was whispering with your soul.

You must be curious what I was whispering,
You should be curious what I was whispering.

When my soul was whispering with your soul,
When warmth of my breathings were whispering with your's,
When my heart throbs were whispering with your's,
I am eager to break these shoutings of whisper,
I am eager to ease you from your curiosity,
I am eager to tell you "I LOVE YOU".

Computer Vs. Hindi Films

1) Pentium III & Pentium I ---- Bade miyan andChhote miyan.
2) Computer infected by Virus - Pyar to Hona hitha.
3) Mouse - Jaanwar.
4)F1 - Guide.
5) Esc - Nau Do Gyarah.
6) Ctrl+Alt+Del - AkhriRastaa.
7) CrtlC + CtrlV - Duplicate.
8) Undo - Aa ab lautchale.
9) Super User Password - Gupt.
10) BackUp - Jaagteraho.
11) UPS - Janta Hawaldar.
12) Server -Godfather.
13) Proxy Server - Padosan.
14) Security -Nakabandi.
15) Storage - Tehkhana.
16) Storage capacity -Badhti ka naam Dadhi.
17) Computer without RAM - KoraKagaz.
18) Computer whose OS is DOS - Buddha mil gaya.
19) System which frequently requires bootable disk - Sharabi.
20) DumbTerminal - Anari.
21) Hard disk and Floppy disk - Gharwaali Baharwaali.
22) Hard Disk partition- Batwara.
23) Hardware & Software - Ek duje ke liye.
24) Temporary file - Khote Sikkey.
25) Operator vs Computer - Meinkhiladi Tu Anadi.
26) NRI - Phir bhi Dil hai Hindustaani

Sunday, October 22


I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts,
or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will
search for answers.

I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain,
nor the future with its untold stories.
But I can be there now when you need me to care.

I can't keep your feet from stumbling.
I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall.

Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine;
Yet I can share in your laughter.

Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;
I can only support you, encourage you,
and help you when you ask.

I can't prevent you from falling away from friendship,
from your values, from me.
I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you.

I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you,
But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
room to be yourself.

I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
and put them back in place.

I can't tell you who you are.
I can only love you and be your friend.

Wednesday, October 18

Begining of the day

Begining of the day play a very important role on rest of the day activities. With this thought in my conscious i had planned a seven day "FIRST GOOD THING TO DO" list. This list describes a different activity for a particular day to start. The things listed were chosen very carefully so as each activity can revive my brain stimuli, resonate my body with a new and higher energy level and helps me building a very positive attitude for the day.

I believe that :
- each second spent will have a very little affect on your coming seconds.
- each minute spent will have a commulative but little effect on your coming

- each hour spent will have big effects on your rest of the day.
- each day spent will have drastic effects on your rest of life.

So, spend your each moment of life carefully with a hope of a new horizon of freshness and livliness. And a commitment to yourself to start your day in a unique and positive way will definitely bring a sea change on your personal, social or professional life.

Tuesday, October 17


Hi comrades,

I am Ajay Tewari.
Web thought-chaser.blogspot.com